FSC Certification

Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an independent Non-Governmental Organization founded in 1993 by several Environmental and Social Organizations, representatives of trade and industry, Indigenous Peoples’ Associations, Forest Communities, and Forest Product Certification Bodies from 25 countries.

FSC certification is an international, independent, third-party certification specifically for the forestry sector and products-woody and non-woody-derived from forests.

There are two types of FSC certification:

  • Forest Management certification, for forest owners and managers, Forest Management (FSC® FM);
  • Chain-of-Custody certification, for forest product processing and/or trading enterprises, Product Traceability (FSC® COC).


  • Maintain its market share unchanged;
  • Have the opportunity to enter new markets.

Request a quote to receive the Consultancy needed to implement FSC standards and assistance during the Certification audit Issued by Accredited Body