Our innovative product, The AllBadge, is an interactive, employee-tailored badge designed to make your employees aware of all their personnel records, company procedures and related responsibilities.

The All Badge also has the advantage of being able to make the records of the audited worker immediately available to auditing agencies.

Employees will receive an identification card with two QR CODE, one on the front and one on the back:

  • on the front side: this will open a section dedicated to the worker. By logging in with your credentials (only with those) you will be able to read the various documents. The worker will have access to all his or her documentation (UNILAV, training, health suitability, PPE deliveries, task information…) so that in case of inspections by ASL, Labor Inspectorate or other agencies, they can give evidence without wasting time;
  • on the back: this will lead to some of the company‘s disclosures, e.g., work procedures, protocols, P.E.E. and/or what will be mandatory or appropriate will be possible.

Our AllBadge will then meet the requirements of the identification card according to Legislative Decree 81/08.

It will thus allow for the empowerment of workers and Supervisors who, having access at all times to their company documents and procedures, will no longer be able to “not know“: they will then be personally and criminally accountable for their behavior without possibility of doubt.

This product is also geared toward improving the Management System of the company: worker responsibilities, procedures and processes of the company’s policy for current health and safety regulations are made clear and effective.

AllBadge is an integral part of our packages ALL INCLUSIVE PLUS.

Given the success of AllBadge, 2 types of products are available:

AllBadge PLUS designed for principals who THE SINGLE TEXT OF SAFETY sees as increasingly centered in their role. The AllBadge PLUS will be linked to an ‘APP that will allow principals to have access to key preset checks:

  1. the surveys for workers to do (construction and maintenance sites)
  2. The reporting of at-risk situations
  3. the reporting of near misses
  4. the reporting of injuries
  5. The recording of training to new workers entrusted to them with guaranteed date and time.

AllBadge PRO designed for professionals, gives access to all essential checklists for those involved in occupational safety.

Some examples?

  • Collecting information for making DVRs in addition to site- and job-specific ones!
  • Information gathering for the PSC
  • Sensing information for POS.
  • …. e tante altre ancora!
The AllBadge to be more convenient and available to users is combined with theAPP, downloadable from the stores:

In 2024, the All Badge will be integrated with the deadline management CRM.

If you are unsure or need advice on which offer is right for you, do not hesitate to contact us!


Phone: 0173970061