Noise Specific DVR

Legislative Decree 81/08 in Article 190 stipulates that the Employer shall verify that prevention and protection measures are in place in his company to protect workers against illness or injury due to the presence of noise in work environments above the permissible limit.

When preparing the noise risk assessment document, it is necessary to consider:

  1. The level, type and duration of exposure
  2. The exposure limit values and action values
  3. All health and safety effects on workers who are particularly sensitive to noise
  4. All health and safety effects on workers resulting from interactions between noise and ototoxic substances related to the activity performed and between noise and vibration
  5. All indirect effects on worker health and safety resulting from interactions between noise and warning signals or other sounds that should be observed in order to reduce the risk of injury
  6. Noise emission information provided by the manufacturers of the work equipment in accordance with relevant regulations
  7. The existence of alternative work equipment designed to reduce noise emission
  8. The extension of the noise exposure period beyond normal working hours
  9. Information gathered from health surveillance, including, to the extent possible, information found in the scientific literature
  10. The availability of hearing protection devices with adequate attenuation characteristics

If at the end of the assessment the upper action values are exceeded, the employer shall:

  • Develop and implement a program of technical and organizational measures to reduce noise exposure
  • Distribute to workers and ensure that personal hearing protection equipment is worn
  • subject workers to health surveillance