DVR Specific work-related stress

The new Consolidation Act on Occupational Health Protection introduces mandatory intervention to prevent and reduce the harmful effects of Work-Related Stress (SLC) also based on the worker’s age and gender.

The actions proposed by the SLC DVR are aimed at:

  • Preventing mental and physical wear and tear through training and self-assessment of subjects
  • Making people aware of their exposure to the risk of SLC
  • Support with sharing and medical guidance those already experiencing Occupational Mental Distress
  • Require ex officiomedical assessment in case of real need
  • Reduce the risk of legal disputes and bullying complaints against the administration

What can be done to reduce work-related stress risk?

  • Adopt management and communication measures that can clarify the business objectives and the role of each worker
  • Ensure adequate management support for individual workers and work teams
  • Bring consistency of responsibility and control to the work
  • Improve organization, processes, working conditions
  • Improving the work environment.
  • Training managers and workers to improve their awareness and understanding of stress, its possible causes and how to deal with it, and/or to adapt to change.
  • The information and consultation of workers and/or their representatives, in accordance with European and national legislation, collective agreements and practices.