The PIMUS is the Assembling, Use and Dismantling Plan, whenever scaffolding is erected.
It is the responsibility of the employer of the company in charge of scaffolding erection and dismantling to prepare the PIMUS by a competent person.
The most important part contained in the PIMUS, concerns the assembly and disassembly procedures, which must be described step by step and are directly dependent on the choice of which collective protective system or PPE to use.
The PIMUS does not always have to be accompanied by the project but there are some cases where it is mandatory, in summary:
The draft PiMUS must therefore contain:
As with the ALL PSC and ALL POS, our ALL PIMUS has an interactive QR CODE that allows the site supervisor and scaffold erection, dismantling and transformation workers to have access to documents accompanying the SOP such as:
– PIMUS digital copy
– scaffold calculations always up to date
– updated working drawings
– scaffold booklet with relevant ministerial authorization
The ALL PIMUS is aimed at making available the necessary information to the person in charge and the assembly workers the proper construction of the scaffold.
In fact, it should be remembered that a scaffold erected differently from the design will result in work stoppage until it is brought up to code, sanction, and liability on the part of the trained and appointed supervisor in the event of an accident. This is only if he/she has all the necessary information to do his/her job properly.
The Employer may incur the following main penalties (Legislative Decree 81/08)
All fines are to be increased by 9.60% in connection with the enactment of L.99/2013
PIMUS non-compliant: 2 to 4 months or fine of €1,000 to €4,800
Failure to produce copy of ministerial authorization, design and executive drawings, of scaffolding more than 20 m high: 3 to 6 months or fine of €2,500 to €6,400
Failure to produce construction and employment authorization issued by the Ministry of Labor: arrest up to 2 months or fine of €500 to €2,000