SOA Certification is a compulsory certificate (issued by authorized Attestation Bodies) that proves the economic and technical capacity of a company to qualify for the execution of public works contracts worth more than €150,000.00 and also confirms that the certified entity has all the necessary requirements for public contracting.
Once obtained, the SOA Certification is valid for five years (subject to confirmation of validity in the third year) and is issued, by specially authorized SOA Bodies, upon completion of a thorough evaluation of the requirements imposed by law, found in the last ten years of activity of the company concerned; in particular, works performed in the last ten years and the five best income documents among the last ten approved and filed will be taken into consideration.
the SOA is a Certification that qualifies the company to participate in public contracts in categories of works and amount classifications, both of which are commensurate with the capabilities and experience the company has demonstrated to the Attestation Body.
Specifically, there are 52 categories of works:
There are 10 amount rankings:
Each classification qualifies the firm holding SOA Certification to compete for contracts of amounts equal to the classification increased by one-fifth.
In order to obtain SOA Certification in classifications of amounts greater than II (over 516,000.00 euros), it is mandatory to have a company Quality System, which is certified according to the current standard (UNI EN ISO 9001).
According to current regulations, SOA Attestation Bodies, are required to find the goodness, truthfulness, correctness and substance of all documents that the company uses for the purpose of demonstrating the requirements useful for its Qualification; this verification process requires the SOA to query information systems, databases, Bodies that have issued statements or certificates.
Request a quote to receive the Consultancy needed to obtain SOA Certification, with prior checking of requirements and assistance during the Certification audit from the SOA Attestation Body.