Facility aimed at covering the financial needs of enterprises for the implementation of investment projects, development, consolidation and inventory needs, including those related to investments derived from COVID-19.
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (Line A) only CRAFTS AND TRADE (for other sectors, resources are exhausted)
Expenditures are eligible if subsequent:
1) Line A – MPMI
For enterprises or sole proprietorships established less than 6 months prior to the date of telematic application submission, expenses incurred within 6 months prior to the date of telematic application submission are always eligible (maximum 30% of total costs deemed eligible).
Expenses related to: machinery, equipment, furnishings, capital goods; vehicles for transporting things; construction works; patents, trademarks, licenses, copyrights; certifications.
Also included are all interventions necessary to sanitize work environments and purchase PPE (e.g., gloves, masks, gowns, or goggles), and more generally those investments necessary to modify their production and work processes in order to adapt them with respect to the safety and social distancing needs arising from the ongoing health emergency caused by COVID-19 and the needs related to the activation and strengthening of smartworking (e.g., hardware and software).
With limitations: purchase and/or construction of real estate to be used for business activity, goodwill,service expenses, overhead, inventory (up to 40 percent of eligible expenses for Line A-MPMI).
Minimal investment:
▪ 25,000 euros micro and small enterprises;
▪ 250,000 euros medium-sized enterprises
Subsidized financing covering 100% of expenses, with maximum regional zero-intervention of 70%
Outright grant:
– Micro enterprises: 10% of the share of public funding disbursed;
– Small enterprises: 8 percent of the share of public funding disbursed;
– Medium-sized enterprises: 4 percent of the share of public funding disbursed.