Pressure equipment and lifting equipment inspections


According to Legislative Decree April 09, 2008 No. 81 Article 71 paragraph 11 as amended by Law 98/2013, the Employer is obliged to subject work equipment to periodic inspections aimed at assessing its actual state of preservation and efficiency aimed at protecting the health and safety of workers.

Decree Law 81/08, as amended, and the Ministerial Decree of April 11, 2011 regulate how verifications are to be carried out.

Coming instead to the operational part, it is necessary to know that the first periodic verification of Annex VII equipment is no longer the responsibility of INAIL.

It is better to specify that the first of these verifications is carried out by INAIL, which does so within forty-five days after the equipment is put into service.

But if the timing is not met, it is the responsibility of the Employer to contact licensed company and arrange for verification.

Therefore, it is no longer the absolute competence of INAIL to carry out the first verification but is a competence that arises from the commissioning done by the employer and is “time-bound.”

The employer from the second verification onwards can choose from the outset the public or private verifier they prefer without further communication to AUSL.

Hot-water heating systems with a firebox capacity of more than 100,000 kcal (116.4 kW) are subject to verification every 5 years; in the civil sector, systems with a capacity of between 30,000 and 100,000 kcal (34.9 and 116.4 kw) are also subject to verification every 5 years if they are subject to Article 1129 of the Civil Code.


An employer who puts into service, after May 23, 2012, a piece of work equipment among those listed in Annex VII of Legislative Decree 81/08, shall immediately notify the territorially competent INAIL, which will assign a serial number to the equipment and notify the employer.

Next, there is an obligation for the employer to subject the work equipment listed in Annex VII of Legislative Decree 81/08 to periodic inspections (first inspection and post-first inspection).

Of the first of the periodic audits the owner subject is INAIL (formerly ISPESL), while of the periodic audits after the first one in Piedmont Region the owner subject is Arpa.

The first of the periodic inspections must be carried out within 45 days of the request, the subsequent ones within 30 days of the request.

If INAIL does not carry out the verification, from the 46th day, the Employer may apply directly to the Qualified Person who will proceed with carrying out the verification.

Periodic verifications after the first one: with the periodicity provided for in Annex VII of Legislative Decree 81/08 and at least 30 days before the expiration of the relevant deadline, the Employer must request the Qualified Person to carry out the verification, without having to send further communications to the ASL or ARPA territorially competent.

Lifting equipment that must be verified are: self-propelled telescopic boom trucks, self-lifting work platforms on columns, elevators, construction site hoists with a vertically guided cabin/platform, and Non-hand operated material lifting equipment with a load capacity exceeding 200 kg (e.g., electric hoist).

In fact, the Employer is required to possess the inspection report issued by the Inspection Body licensed by the Ministry of Economic Development (as an alternative to ASL/ARPA), so that it can be produced in the event of inspection by the relevant agencies.

Verifications carried out by professionals or installation companies are not considered valid in case of inspection.

Periodicity of audits:

  • 2 YEARS for all electrical installations serving:
  • Environments at greatest risk in case of fire:

production activities of any sector and kind subject to control and issuance of the ICC by the Fire Department, activities with specific risks e.g. public performance and entertainment venues, hotels, boarding houses, garages, hospitals, municipalities, libraries, museums, galleries, old people’s rest homes, schools, supermarkets, shopping malls, warehouses, stores, etc.

  • Places with danger of explosion:

environments in which the processing, conveying, handling or storage of explosive materials, flammable fluids/dusts takes place are so defined.

  • Construction sites:

are places where there are temporary electrical installations for construction work on new buildings; renovation, maintenance, conversion, expansion or demolition work on existing buildings; and earth moving and quarry work.

  • Premises used for medical purposes:

are the rooms intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, surgical, surveillance or rehabilitation purposes, including aesthetic treatments.

  • 5 YEARS for all other cases.

Our partner company is a Type A Inspection Body, duly licensed by the Ministry to carry out periodic and extraordinary inspections of electrical installations called for in Presidential Decree 462/01:

  • Installations and devices for protection against atmospheric discharge;
  • Grounding systems of systems powered up to 1000 V;
  • Grounding systems of systems powered over 1000 V;
  • Electrical systems installed in workplaces with explosion hazards.

The periodicity time is considered to start from the completion of the new installation or complete redo


The Employer may incur the following main penalties (Legislative Decree 81/08)
All fines are to be increased by 9.60% in connection with the enactment of L.99/2013

Obligation to make the request for verification: Arrest from 3 to 6 months or fine from 2,500 to 6,400 euros
Obligationto produce the booklet of the lifting apparatus, with a capacity of more than 200 kg, brand ……., model. ….. complete with the annual periodic inspection reports: Fine from 500 to 1,800
Obligationto produce the copy of the request to INAIL (formerly ISPESL) of the safety approval of the lifting equipment (for GRUs, overhead cranes and AWPs): Fine from 500 to 1,800 euro