Occupational Health and Safety Management System: SGSL (In Italian)

The guidelines for an occupational health and safety management systemSGSL -, developed by UNI and INAIL, provide the Italian business reality:

– a proper mode of implementation

– an aid for companies wishing to voluntarily adopt an occupational safety and security management system.

These guidelines define how to identify, within the corporate organizational structure, the responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources for implementing the corporate policy of prevention, in compliance with current health and safety regulations.

The SGSL has general validity, and its application should be modulated taking into account the overall characteristics of thecompany/organization (size, production types, technological cycles, structure of the organization, etc.) that intends to adopt it.

This system, in fact, aims to:

  • Progressively reduce the overall costs of occupational health and safety including those arising from work-related accidents, injuries and diseases by minimizing the risks to which employees or third parties (customers, suppliers, visitors, etc.) may be exposed;
  • Increase the efficiency and performance of the enterprise/organization;
  • Contribute to improved levels of occupational health and safety;
  • Improve the internal and external image of the enterprise/organization.

For more information, read the article we devoted to SGSL. click here.

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